Personal Injury
Personal injury cases come in all shapes and sizes. These could be premises liability cases, slip and fall cases, auto accidents, trucking accidents, assault and battery, and any number of acts or omissions that lead to injuries. Our attorneys at Grier Cox & Cranshaw have spent decades defending all aspects of personal injury claims that arise from such incidents. Many of these cases are highly complex and expert driven, such as cases involving broken water mains which cause catastrophic injuries, or injuries on construction sites involving claims of comparative negligence or breach of a specialized standard of care. While we specialize in such complex and catastrophic injury cases, many such cases involve less serious injuries and smaller claims. Our attorneys handle personal injury cases under the premise that no case is too big and no case is too small for our clients. We work diligently to obtain just results for our clients with efficiency strategies with efficiency strategies to get the case closed. We pride ourselves in achieving, as we pride ourselves in achieving the highest level of favorable settlements and obtaining defense verdicts for our clients.